Penn 1 Lobby - Vornado Realty Trust

Manhattan, New York City


Vornado Realty Group is the primary developer working to redevelop Manhattan’s Penn District through a series of new building projects that merge transportation, workplace, retail and entertainment. Within the entire district redevelopment project, the Penn1 building was the first to exhibit massive revival and signal the new strategy, design, and amenities that would eventually become the District’s new norm.


To set the bar, Vornado wanted to inject the entire building’s user experience with integrated digital experiences that would create a cohesive space driving community and generating unparalleled tenant value.


HUSH designed an experience concept to guide all interconnected digital expressions from transit to workplace, from the artful to the informational, that allows the building to become a high value, dynamic platform for storytelling, community gathering, tenant interaction, thought leadership, and visual arts.

The Facade

The Social Stair

Lobby Welcome Screen

The Atrium

Additional Animation Tests + Renderings:

The atrium + digital stair concept was eventually handed off to a new studio, and built/installed in NYC by Moment Factory.

Neither HUSH nor myself were involved in this phase of the project.